In [1]:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline

from import *
from fastai.conv_learner import *

from fastai.column_data import *


We're going to download the collected works of Nietzsche to use as our data for this class.

In [2]:

In [3]:
get_data("", f'{PATH}nietzsche.txt')
text = open(f'{PATH}nietzsche.txt').read()
print('corpus length:', len(text))

corpus length: 600893

In [4]:

'PREFACE\n\n\nSUPPOSING that Truth is a woman--what then? Is there not ground\nfor suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been\ndogmatists, have failed to understand women--that the terrible\nseriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid\ntheir addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for\nwinning a woman? Certainly she has never allowed herself '

In [5]:
chars = sorted(list(set(text)))
vocab_size = len(chars)+1
print('total chars:', vocab_size)

total chars: 85

Sometimes it's useful to have a zero value in the dataset, e.g. for padding

In [6]:
chars.insert(0, "\0")


'\n !"\'(),-.0123456789:;=?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy'

Map from chars to indices and back again

In [7]:
char_indices = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(chars)}
indices_char = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(chars)}

idx will be the data we use from now on - it simply converts all the characters to their index (based on the mapping above)

In [8]:
idx = [char_indices[c] for c in text]


[40, 42, 29, 30, 25, 27, 29, 1, 1, 1]

In [9]:
''.join(indices_char[i] for i in idx[:70])

'PREFACE\n\n\nSUPPOSING that Truth is a woman--what then? Is there not gro'

Three char model

Create inputs

Create a list of every 4th character, starting at the 0th, 1st, 2nd, then 3rd characters

In [12]:
c1_dat = [idx[i]   for i in range(0, len(idx)-cs, cs)]
c2_dat = [idx[i+1] for i in range(0, len(idx)-cs, cs)]
c3_dat = [idx[i+2] for i in range(0, len(idx)-cs, cs)]
c4_dat = [idx[i+3] for i in range(0, len(idx)-cs, cs)]

Our inputs

In [13]:
x1 = np.stack(c1_dat)
x2 = np.stack(c2_dat)
x3 = np.stack(c3_dat)

Our output

In [14]:
y = np.stack(c4_dat)

The first 4 inputs and outputs

In [14]:
x1[:4], x2[:4], x3[:4]

(array([40, 30, 29,  1]), array([42, 25,  1, 43]), array([29, 27,  1, 45]))

In [15]:

array([30, 29,  1, 40])

In [16]:
x1.shape, y.shape

((200295,), (200295,))

Create and train model

Pick a size for our hidden state

In [15]:
n_hidden = 256

The number of latent factors to create (i.e. the size of the embedding matrix)

In [16]:
n_fac = 42

In [30]:
class Char3Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac):
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)

        # The 'green arrow' from our diagram - the layer operation from input to hidden
        self.l_in = nn.Linear(n_fac, n_hidden)

        # The 'orange arrow' from our diagram - the layer operation from hidden to hidden
        self.l_hidden = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden)
        # The 'blue arrow' from our diagram - the layer operation from hidden to output
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, c1, c2, c3):
        in1 = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c1)))
        in2 = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c2)))
        in3 = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c3)))
        h = V(torch.zeros(in1.size()).cuda())
        h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+in1))
        h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+in2))
        h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+in3))
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(h))

In [20]:
md = ColumnarModelData.from_arrays('.', [-1], np.stack([x1,x2,x3], axis=1), y, bs=512)

In [21]:
m = Char3Model(vocab_size, n_fac).cuda()

In [22]:
it = iter(md.trn_dl)
*xs,yt = next(it)
t = m(*V(xs))

In [191]:
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-2)

In [192]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       2.09627  6.52849]                                 

In [193]:
set_lrs(opt, 0.001)

In [194]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.84525  6.52312]                                 

Test model

In [195]:
def get_next(inp):
    idxs = T(np.array([char_indices[c] for c in inp]))
    p = m(*VV(idxs))
    i = np.argmax(to_np(p))
    return chars[i]

In [196]:
get_next('y. ')


In [197]:


In [198]:
get_next(' th')


In [199]:

' '

Our first RNN!

Create inputs

This is the size of our unrolled RNN.

In [16]:

For each of 0 through 7, create a list of every 8th character with that starting point. These will be the 8 inputs to our model.

In [17]:
c_in_dat = [[idx[i+j] for i in range(cs)] for j in range(len(idx)-cs)]

Then create a list of the next character in each of these series. This will be the labels for our model.

In [18]:
c_out_dat = [idx[j+cs] for j in range(len(idx)-cs)]

In [66]:
xs = np.stack(c_in_dat, axis=0)

In [67]:

(600884, 8)

In [68]:
y = np.stack(c_out_dat)

So each column below is one series of 8 characters from the text.

In [69]:

array([[40, 42, 29, 30, 25, 27, 29,  1],
       [42, 29, 30, 25, 27, 29,  1,  1],
       [29, 30, 25, 27, 29,  1,  1,  1],
       [30, 25, 27, 29,  1,  1,  1, 43],
       [25, 27, 29,  1,  1,  1, 43, 45],
       [27, 29,  1,  1,  1, 43, 45, 40],
       [29,  1,  1,  1, 43, 45, 40, 40],
       [ 1,  1,  1, 43, 45, 40, 40, 39]])

...and this is the next character after each sequence.

In [70]:

array([ 1,  1, 43, 45, 40, 40, 39, 43])

Create and train model

In [71]:
val_idx = get_cv_idxs(len(idx)-cs-1)

In [72]:
md = ColumnarModelData.from_arrays('.', val_idx, xs, y, bs=512)

In [81]:
class CharLoopModel(nn.Module):
    # This is an RNN!
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac):
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.l_in = nn.Linear(n_fac, n_hidden)
        self.l_hidden = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, *cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        h = V(torch.zeros(bs, n_hidden).cuda())
        for c in cs:
            inp = F.relu(self.l_in(self.e(c)))
            h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(h+inp))
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(h), dim=-1)

In [82]:
m = CharLoopModel(vocab_size, n_fac).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-2)

In [83]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       2.02986  1.99268]                                

In [84]:
set_lrs(opt, 0.001)

In [85]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.73588  1.75103]                                 

In [92]:
class CharLoopConcatModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac):
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.l_in = nn.Linear(n_fac+n_hidden, n_hidden)
        self.l_hidden = nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, *cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        h = V(torch.zeros(bs, n_hidden).cuda())
        for c in cs:
            inp =, self.e(c)), 1)
            inp = F.relu(self.l_in(inp))
            h = F.tanh(self.l_hidden(inp))
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(h), dim=-1)

In [93]:
m = CharLoopConcatModel(vocab_size, n_fac).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)

In [94]:
it = iter(md.trn_dl)
*xs,yt = next(it)
t = m(*V(xs))

In [95]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.81654  1.78501]                                

In [96]:
set_lrs(opt, 1e-4)

In [97]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.69008  1.69936]                                 

Test model

In [98]:
def get_next(inp):
    idxs = T(np.array([char_indices[c] for c in inp]))
    p = m(*VV(idxs))
    i = np.argmax(to_np(p))
    return chars[i]

In [99]:
get_next('for thos')


In [100]:
get_next('part of ')


In [101]:
get_next('queens a')


RNN with pytorch

In [108]:
class CharRnn(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac):
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.rnn = nn.RNN(n_fac, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, *cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden))
        inp = self.e(torch.stack(cs))
        outp,h = self.rnn(inp, h)
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp[-1]), dim=-1)

In [109]:
m = CharRnn(vocab_size, n_fac).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)

In [110]:
it = iter(md.trn_dl)
*xs,yt = next(it)

In [111]:
t = m.e(V(torch.stack(xs)))

torch.Size([8, 512, 42])

In [112]:
ht = V(torch.zeros(1, 512,n_hidden))
outp, hn = m.rnn(t, ht)
outp.size(), hn.size()

(torch.Size([8, 512, 256]), torch.Size([1, 512, 256]))

In [113]:
t = m(*V(xs)); t.size()

torch.Size([512, 85])

In [114]:
fit(m, md, 4, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.86065  1.84255]                                 
[ 1.       1.68014  1.67387]                                 
[ 2.       1.58828  1.59169]                                 
[ 3.       1.52989  1.54942]                                 

In [115]:
set_lrs(opt, 1e-4)

In [116]:
fit(m, md, 2, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.46841  1.50966]                                 
[ 1.       1.46482  1.5039 ]                                 

Test model

In [117]:
def get_next(inp):
    idxs = T(np.array([char_indices[c] for c in inp]))
    p = m(*VV(idxs))
    i = np.argmax(to_np(p))
    return chars[i]

In [118]:
get_next('for thos')


In [119]:
def get_next_n(inp, n):
    res = inp
    for i in range(n):
        c = get_next(inp)
        res += c
        inp = inp[1:]+c
    return res

In [120]:
get_next_n('for thos', 40)

'for those the same the same the same the same th'

Multi-output model


Let's take non-overlapping sets of characters this time

In [19]:
c_in_dat = [[idx[i+j] for i in range(cs)] for j in range(0, len(idx)-cs-1, cs)]

Then create the exact same thing, offset by 1, as our labels

In [20]:
c_out_dat = [[idx[i+j] for i in range(cs)] for j in range(1, len(idx)-cs, cs)]

In [21]:
xs = np.stack(c_in_dat)

(75111, 8)

In [22]:
ys = np.stack(c_out_dat)

(75111, 8)

In [23]:

array([[40, 42, 29, 30, 25, 27, 29,  1],
       [ 1,  1, 43, 45, 40, 40, 39, 43],
       [33, 38, 31,  2, 73, 61, 54, 73],
       [ 2, 44, 71, 74, 73, 61,  2, 62],
       [72,  2, 54,  2, 76, 68, 66, 54],
       [67,  9,  9, 76, 61, 54, 73,  2],
       [73, 61, 58, 67, 24,  2, 33, 72],
       [ 2, 73, 61, 58, 71, 58,  2, 67]])

In [24]:

array([[42, 29, 30, 25, 27, 29,  1,  1],
       [ 1, 43, 45, 40, 40, 39, 43, 33],
       [38, 31,  2, 73, 61, 54, 73,  2],
       [44, 71, 74, 73, 61,  2, 62, 72],
       [ 2, 54,  2, 76, 68, 66, 54, 67],
       [ 9,  9, 76, 61, 54, 73,  2, 73],
       [61, 58, 67, 24,  2, 33, 72,  2],
       [73, 61, 58, 71, 58,  2, 67, 68]])

Create and train model

In [127]:
val_idx = get_cv_idxs(len(xs)-cs-1)

In [128]:
md = ColumnarModelData.from_arrays('.', val_idx, xs, ys, bs=512)

In [133]:
class CharSeqRnn(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac):
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.rnn = nn.RNN(n_fac, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, *cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden))
        inp = self.e(torch.stack(cs))
        outp,h = self.rnn(inp, h)
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1)

In [134]:
m = CharSeqRnn(vocab_size, n_fac).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)

In [135]:
it = iter(md.trn_dl)
*xst,yt = next(it)

In [136]:
def nll_loss_seq(inp, targ):
    sl,bs,nh = inp.size()
    targ = targ.transpose(0,1).contiguous().view(-1)
    return F.nll_loss(inp.view(-1,nh), targ)

In [137]:
fit(m, md, 4, opt, nll_loss_seq)

[ 0.       2.59241  2.40251]                                
[ 1.       2.28474  2.19859]                                
[ 2.       2.13883  2.08836]                                
[ 3.       2.04892  2.01564]                                

In [138]:
set_lrs(opt, 1e-4)

In [139]:
fit(m, md, 1, opt, nll_loss_seq)

[ 0.       1.99819  2.00106]                               

Identity init!

In [140]:
m = CharSeqRnn(vocab_size, n_fac).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-2)

In [141]:

    1     0     0  ...      0     0     0
    0     1     0  ...      0     0     0
    0     0     1  ...      0     0     0
       ...          ⋱          ...       
    0     0     0  ...      1     0     0
    0     0     0  ...      0     1     0
    0     0     0  ...      0     0     1
[torch.cuda.FloatTensor of size 256x256 (GPU 0)]

In [142]:
fit(m, md, 4, opt, nll_loss_seq)

[ 0.       2.39428  2.21111]                                
[ 1.       2.10381  2.03275]                                
[ 2.       1.99451  1.96393]                               
[ 3.       1.93492  1.91763]                                

In [143]:
set_lrs(opt, 1e-3)

In [144]:
fit(m, md, 4, opt, nll_loss_seq)

[ 0.       1.84035  1.85742]                                
[ 1.       1.82896  1.84887]                                
[ 2.       1.81879  1.84281]                               
[ 3.       1.81337  1.83801]                                

Stateful model


In [15]:
from torchtext import vocab, data

from fastai.nlp import *
from fastai.lm_rnn import *


TRN_PATH = 'trn/'
VAL_PATH = 'val/'

# Note: The student needs to practice her shell skills and prepare her own dataset before proceeding:
# - trn/trn.txt (first 80% of nietzsche.txt)
# - val/val.txt (last 20% of nietzsche.txt)

%ls {PATH}

models/  nietzsche.txt  trn/  val/

In [16]:
%ls {PATH}trn


In [18]:
TEXT = data.Field(lower=True, tokenize=list)
bs=64; bptt=8; n_fac=42; n_hidden=256

FILES = dict(train=TRN_PATH, validation=VAL_PATH, test=VAL_PATH)
md = LanguageModelData.from_text_files(PATH, TEXT, **FILES, bs=bs, bptt=bptt, min_freq=3)

len(md.trn_dl), md.nt, len(md.trn_ds), len(md.trn_ds[0].text)

(963, 56, 1, 493747)


In [21]:
class CharSeqStatefulRnn(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs):
        self.vocab_size = vocab_size
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.rnn = nn.RNN(n_fac, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        if self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs)
        outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h)
        self.h = repackage_var(h)
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size)
    def init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden))

In [22]:
m = CharSeqStatefulRnn(md.nt, n_fac, 512).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)

In [23]:
fit(m, md, 4, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.81983  1.81247]                                 
[ 1.       1.63097  1.66228]                                 
[ 2.       1.54433  1.57824]                                 
[ 3.       1.48563  1.54505]                                 

In [24]:
set_lrs(opt, 1e-4)

fit(m, md, 4, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.4187   1.50374]                                 
[ 1.       1.41492  1.49391]                                 
[ 2.       1.41001  1.49339]                                 
[ 3.       1.40756  1.486  ]                                 

RNN loop

In [9]:
# From the pytorch source

def RNNCell(input, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
    return F.tanh(F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih) + F.linear(hidden, w_hh, b_hh))

In [12]:
class CharSeqStatefulRnn2(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs):
        self.vocab_size = vocab_size
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.rnn = nn.RNNCell(n_fac, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        if self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs)
        outp = []
        o = self.h
        for c in cs: 
            o = self.rnn(self.e(c), o)
        outp = self.l_out(torch.stack(outp))
        self.h = repackage_var(o)
        return F.log_softmax(outp, dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size)
    def init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden))

In [13]:
m = CharSeqStatefulRnn2(md.nt, n_fac, 512).cuda()
opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)

In [8]:
fit(m, md, 4, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.81013  1.7969 ]                                 
[ 1.       1.62515  1.65346]                                 
[ 2.       1.53913  1.58065]                                 
[ 3.       1.48698  1.54217]                                 


In [18]:
class CharSeqStatefulGRU(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs):
        self.vocab_size = vocab_size
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.rnn = nn.GRU(n_fac, n_hidden)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        if self.h.size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs)
        outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h)
        self.h = repackage_var(h)
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size)
    def init_hidden(self, bs): self.h = V(torch.zeros(1, bs, n_hidden))

In [ ]:
# From the pytorch source code - for reference

def GRUCell(input, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
    gi = F.linear(input, w_ih, b_ih)
    gh = F.linear(hidden, w_hh, b_hh)
    i_r, i_i, i_n = gi.chunk(3, 1)
    h_r, h_i, h_n = gh.chunk(3, 1)

    resetgate = F.sigmoid(i_r + h_r)
    inputgate = F.sigmoid(i_i + h_i)
    newgate = F.tanh(i_n + resetgate * h_n)
    return newgate + inputgate * (hidden - newgate)

In [27]:
m = CharSeqStatefulGRU(md.nt, n_fac, 512).cuda()

opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), 1e-3)

In [29]:
fit(m, md, 6, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.68409  1.67784]                                 
[ 1.       1.49813  1.52661]                                 
[ 2.       1.41674  1.46769]                                 
[ 3.       1.36359  1.43818]                                 
[ 4.       1.33223  1.41777]                                 
[ 5.       1.30217  1.40511]                                 

In [30]:
set_lrs(opt, 1e-4)

In [31]:
fit(m, md, 3, opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.22708  1.36926]                                 
[ 1.       1.21948  1.3696 ]                                 
[ 2.       1.22541  1.36969]                                 

Putting it all together: LSTM

In [12]:
from fastai import sgdr


In [22]:
class CharSeqStatefulLSTM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, n_fac, bs, nl):
        self.vocab_size, = vocab_size,nl
        self.e = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, n_fac)
        self.rnn = nn.LSTM(n_fac, n_hidden, nl, dropout=0.5)
        self.l_out = nn.Linear(n_hidden, vocab_size)
    def forward(self, cs):
        bs = cs[0].size(0)
        if self.h[0].size(1) != bs: self.init_hidden(bs)
        outp,h = self.rnn(self.e(cs), self.h)
        self.h = repackage_var(h)
        return F.log_softmax(self.l_out(outp), dim=-1).view(-1, self.vocab_size)
    def init_hidden(self, bs):
        self.h = (V(torch.zeros(, bs, n_hidden)),
                  V(torch.zeros(, bs, n_hidden)))

In [23]:
m = CharSeqStatefulLSTM(md.nt, n_fac, 512, 2).cuda()
lo = LayerOptimizer(optim.Adam, m, 1e-2, 1e-5)

In [18]:
os.makedirs(f'{PATH}models', exist_ok=True)

In [19]:
fit(m, md, 2, lo.opt, F.nll_loss)

[ 0.       1.72032  1.64016]                                 
[ 1.       1.62891  1.58176]                                 

In [20]:
on_end = lambda sched, cycle: save_model(m, f'{PATH}models/cyc_{cycle}')
cb = [CosAnneal(lo, len(md.trn_dl), cycle_mult=2, on_cycle_end=on_end)]
fit(m, md, 2**4-1, lo.opt, F.nll_loss, callbacks=cb)

[ 0.       1.47969  1.4472 ]                                 
[ 1.       1.51411  1.46612]                                 
[ 2.       1.412    1.39909]                                 
[ 3.       1.53689  1.48337]                                 
[ 4.       1.47375  1.43169]                                 
[ 5.       1.39828  1.37963]                                 
[ 6.       1.34546  1.35795]                                 
[ 7.       1.51999  1.47165]                                 
[ 8.       1.48992  1.46146]                                 
[ 9.       1.45492  1.42829]                                 
[ 10.        1.42027   1.39028]                              
[ 11.        1.3814    1.36539]                              
[ 12.        1.33895   1.34178]                              
[ 13.        1.30737   1.32871]                              
[ 14.        1.28244   1.31518]                              

In [44]:
on_end = lambda sched, cycle: save_model(m, f'{PATH}models/cyc_{cycle}')
cb = [CosAnneal(lo, len(md.trn_dl), cycle_mult=2, on_cycle_end=on_end)]
fit(m, md, 2**6-1, lo.opt, F.nll_loss, callbacks=cb)

[ 0.       1.46053  1.43462]                                 
[ 1.       1.51537  1.47747]                                 
[ 2.       1.39208  1.38293]                                 
[ 3.       1.53056  1.49371]                                 
[ 4.       1.46812  1.43389]                                 
[ 5.       1.37624  1.37523]                                 
[ 6.       1.3173   1.34022]                                 
[ 7.       1.51783  1.47554]                                 
[ 8.       1.4921   1.45785]                                 
[ 9.       1.44843  1.42215]                                 
[ 10.        1.40948   1.40858]                              
[ 11.        1.37098   1.36648]                              
[ 12.        1.32255   1.33842]                              
[ 13.        1.28243   1.31106]                              
[ 14.        1.25031   1.2918 ]                              
[ 15.        1.49236   1.45316]                              
[ 16.        1.46041   1.43622]                              
[ 17.        1.45043   1.4498 ]                              
[ 18.        1.43331   1.41297]                              
[ 19.        1.43841   1.41704]                              
[ 20.        1.41536   1.40521]                              
[ 21.        1.39829   1.37656]                              
[ 22.        1.37001   1.36891]                              
[ 23.        1.35469   1.35909]                              
[ 24.        1.32202   1.34228]                              
[ 25.        1.29972   1.32256]                              
[ 26.        1.28007   1.30903]                              
[ 27.        1.24503   1.29125]                              
[ 28.        1.22261   1.28316]                              
[ 29.        1.20563   1.27397]                              
[ 30.        1.18764   1.27178]                              
[ 31.        1.18114   1.26694]                              
[ 32.        1.44344   1.42405]                              
[ 33.        1.43344   1.41616]                              
[ 34.        1.4346    1.40442]                              
[ 35.        1.42152   1.41359]                              
[ 36.        1.42072   1.40835]                              
[ 37.        1.41732   1.40498]                              
[ 38.        1.41268   1.395  ]                              
[ 39.        1.40725   1.39433]                              
[ 40.        1.40181   1.39864]                              
[ 41.        1.38621   1.37549]                              
[ 42.        1.3838    1.38587]                              
[ 43.        1.37644   1.37118]                              
[ 44.        1.36287   1.36211]                              
[ 45.        1.35942   1.36145]                              
[ 46.        1.34712   1.34924]                              
[ 47.        1.32994   1.34884]                              
[ 48.        1.32788   1.33387]                              
[ 49.        1.31553   1.342  ]                              
[ 50.        1.30088   1.32435]                              
[ 51.        1.28446   1.31166]                              
[ 52.        1.27058   1.30807]                              
[ 53.        1.26271   1.29935]                              
[ 54.        1.24351   1.28942]                              
[ 55.        1.23119   1.2838 ]                              
[ 56.        1.2086    1.28364]                              
[ 57.        1.19742   1.27375]                              
[ 58.        1.18127   1.26758]                              
[ 59.        1.17475   1.26858]                              
[ 60.        1.15349   1.25999]                              
[ 61.        1.14718   1.25779]                              
[ 62.        1.13174   1.2524 ]                              

In [ ]:


In [45]:
def get_next(inp):
    idxs = TEXT.numericalize(inp)
    p = m(VV(idxs.transpose(0,1)))
    r = torch.multinomial(p[-1].exp(), 1)
    return TEXT.vocab.itos[to_np(r)[0]]

In [46]:
get_next('for thos')


In [47]:
def get_next_n(inp, n):
    res = inp
    for i in range(n):
        c = get_next(inp)
        res += c
        inp = inp[1:]+c
    return res

In [50]:
print(get_next_n('for thos', 400))

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In [ ]: